
Favorite Twitter Conversation Ever – Search and The Princess Bride

Every now and then great conversations happen via Twitter — by conversations I mean when multiple people Tweet and “@” each other regarding the same topic. During the day when so many people are online, there is a lot of “noise” which can make it pretty difficult to keep up. However, if you’ve ever had the joy of being a part of one of the #nightcrew search marketing Twitter conversations, then you know some of the gems I’m talking about. This is actually a great way to get to know other people from the community!

A couple weeks ago (yes I realize I’m late to the game here, but… well… I have work to do people!) my very favorite Twitter conversation occurred. The one and only Matt Cutts actually started the whole thing off by tweeting a great Princess Bride quote… what happened next was just sheer enjoyment. Really, who knew the search community was so into the Princess Bride? Rather than bore you to death by trying to explain it, instead I’ve put together a compilation of the conversation. I’m sure I’ve missed a number of great tweets as I may have missed them from people I’m not following (although I did do a Twitter search to gather as many as I could). But for the most part, this is how the evening went…

Matt Cutts twitter princess bride quote

As you all know, if Matt Cutts says to do something, most SEOs tend to jump right on it. Apparently I’m no exception. 🙂 So, without further ado, I present to you the Princess Bride cast of characters as seen through the eyes of the SEO world.

Buttercup: “And to think, all that time it was your cup that was poisoned.”
Vanessa Fox: “And to think, all that time it was your JavaScript that wasn’t optimized.”

Vizzini Jason Calacanis - Vizzini

Vizzini: “He didn’t fall?! Inconceivable!”
Jason Calacanis: “SEO can help?! Inconceivable!”

Inigo Montoya Matt Cutts - Inigo Montoya

Inigo Montoya: “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Matt Cutts: “My name is Matt Cutts. You spammed my index. Prepare to be banned!”

Miracle Max Michael Gray

Miracle Max: “Have fun storming the castle!”
Michael Gray: “Good luck following the rules!”

And last, but definitely NOT least…

Westley Danny Sullivan - Westley

Westley: “You mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well, I accept.”
Danny Sullivan: “You mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well, I accept.”
[hehe this one cracks me up]

There are lots of other great characters, which ones do you think I’ve missed? Would you change any of these characters?

PS thanks to Rand, Lindsay, Sam and Sarah for their help!

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